Monday, January 7, 2013

Best cydia Themes 2013 (MUST HAVE IT) JANUARY EDITION

best winterboard themes
These days there are many people Jailbreaking their iPhones/iPod Touch devices and it’s the only way to go for me because customizing my iphone is one of my top priorities with some of the best themes for winterboard considering the fact that it is one of the top rated Cydia Apps. In this light, I have gathered the top ten best themes for Winterboard. These themes are downloadable in Cydia in-itself.

HTC Hero Theme

This theme will transform the look of your iPhone into the slick look of the HTC Hero. While still maintaining the feel of your iPhone.


This theme gives your phone a nice transparent look and feel. It boasts 120 delicately crafted icons as well.

Ultimate Chrome

Ultimate Chrome theme has that “brushed chrome” look and feel. As far as features it has custom loader screen, aesthetically pleasing lock screen and more.


This attractive black theme has 35 icons a dock and an elegantly designed wallpaper.


The Tenius theme has so many icons that will last you for a long time. With over 200 downloadable icons and a fully customizable menu this is definitely a must have theme.

Matte Nano

A simple yet refined winterboard theme. It adds subtle class to your iphone without losing the original “appeal.”


This winterboard theme has very pleasant backgrounds that compliment the look of your iphone nicely. On top of that the icons are extremely pleasing to the eye.

Alpine Springboard

The Alpine theme allows you to freely interchange icons with each application. With more than enough icons to swap at your will, you definitely will not be getting bored with the look anytime soon.


A distinct character based theme created by deviant artist Manhattan. Create your own theme and place these delightful character icons on it. This makes for a fully customized feel just for you.


Illumine incorporates a green orb unlock screen. That being said you don’t even care about the 2000+ icons it offers. Illumine offers so many options that you will be sure to use it as your theme for at least a little while!

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