Sunday, April 7, 2013

Best cydia Themes 2013 (MUST HAVE IT) NEW APRIL EDITION

1 ) AsymmetricHD Theme  Repo 



2)   BoxorHD

One of the most amazing DreamBoard themes,The purpose of this theme is to make you spend less time on your iPhone or iPod Touch, slide left and right to reveal information such as:

DreamBoard Theme: BoxorHD for iPhone/iPod [Free Download]DreamBoard Theme: BoxorHD for iPhone/iPod [Free Download]
DreamBoard Theme: BoxorHD for iPhone/iPod [Free Download]DreamBoard Theme: BoxorHD for iPhone/iPod [Free Download]

3) Gyro HD  theme

Version 1.3, along with more updates to come!!!
NEW!! Optional day and night background! To activate open plist and search  and change to Gyro HD. Capitalization matters! Also fixed App Store not showing up.
4)  Snow Leopard Theme
snow leopard theme on iphone
snow leopard theme on iphone 2

5)  TimelessHD SBSettings Free

Timeless HD is a truly elegant and streamlined theme for those who don’t care for extravagant colors and want a more professional look. Bluemetal has really taken his time to design a full HD-UI, including iPod, Notes, Dialer, Lockscreen, Battery, LockInfo, SBSettings, Compass, Safari, Mail, Messages, Weather, Loading screens, and 3 fully featured springboard widgets.

6) G.O.C. HD Theme

7) Metro 8 iPhone DreamBoard Theme Basic and Advance

New Metro 8 Windows DreamBoard Theme.